Friday, August 14, 2009

Referendum having effect..

Politicians attempts to attack the question and to threaten to disregard the result of the referendum has actually had the opposite effect. Not because people like the referendum they don't and think having it is waste of time and money. One its not binding and secondly section 59 (the smacking bill) should have never seen the light of day or made into law or in the first place. Thats why the majority of New Zealander's that can be bothered will vote NO to this stupidly worded unnecessary costly referendum. It has rarked up parents that see the government has taken away yet another parenting choice away from them without their consent. By making good parents criminals for choosing to spank there own children when they deemed it necessary. Its more about the nanny state taking away their personal parenting responsibility of being good parents for the sake of a few bad parents that beat their children regardless of any law. Beating a child has always been against the law.

Good parents never abuse their children or anyone else's. But will sometimes spank a child for bad behaver. And still deem it necessary to have that choice if required. The referendum does not give that choice and the law takes away that choice. By voting NO in the referendum will at least send a message to government that the laws is an ass.

Rusty Kane
Leader The People's Choice Party of New Zealand